Oriental Medicine is a to a great degree accurate and broad framework that has been consistently practiced for more than 3,000 years and as of now treats in excess of 33% of the total populace. Oriental Medicine, Ayurvedic and modern allopathic medicines are the three major medical systems in the world today. Oriental Medicine is much more than just acupuncture. It includes Moxibustion, Herbology, Tui-Na Massage, Qi gong and lifestyle counselling for the treatment and prevention of disease, illness and injury. It is very complex and extensive, requiring many years of study to master. Oriental Medicine had its beginnings over 3,000 years ago, bringing true sense to the term traditional medicine. Based on the belief that we are a part of nature, wellbeing is established when harmony is achieved both within ourselves and in relation to the natural world. In diagnosing and treating an ailment, Oriental Medicine looks for the root cause in order to rebuild balance and restore health.